Operation: Falcon's Nest
Greetings, commander. As requested, I've forwarded the photos our "passerby" took when he was in the area. I hope you find them useful.

Overview of the target's area. Target's location is on the left.

This is the main building. While the target does not reside at the stated area, it is worthy enough to note that the owners of the two houses do live in there, as well as at least 10 other students.

The driveway. Notice the garden at the back. The landlady loves gardening, so it might be critical for you to steal the keys when she is happily eating starfruits.

Target's nest. There are a total of 3 main points of entry into the house: The front door, the kitchen's door, and the back door. This is, of course, not including the windows.

Upon entry to the front door, will be the main dining table. Target usually eats alone, so perhaps, a 7.62mm NATO sniper round would be effective, although a little messy.

The stairs leading up to target's roomates' rooms. As of present, there's 2 females living in 2 of the 4 rooms. They are to be left unharmed. Heading up the stairs is forbidden.

The kitchen, as well as the 2nd entry point of the building. Target has his food stored in the cupboard located on the far left, as well as the fridge.

Target's room, as well as the 3rd entry point you see on the right. This entry point is accessable via the driveway, and is the only one not fitted with a lock. It is locked merely by a latch found at the top of the door. Fiber wire should be more then enough to open the door, or perhaps the usage of a glasscutter would be more efficient.

Upon gaining entry into target's room, the shelf is what would be first noticed. A laser motion detection trap is found hidden on the bottom shelf. However, as it is messy as hell, it should be deactivated rather easily by simply placing a mirror in front of it.

Target's work area. The laptop provides critical information which will benefit our cause. Obtain the hard disc's data for a bonus bounty.

One key access point into target's room. It is merely latched just like the 3rd access point into the house, and is also accessable via the driveway. However, because our target is of a careful nature, the door is secured with a pickerman's lock, as well as a lego motion detector. And oh, do take note of the steel pole, commander. It won't be funny if you walk right into it.

Target's bed. Probably the easiest time to eliminate the target is when he is sleeping. The sheet is not fitted with any cover because that sheet is specially designed to withstand bullets as it's made of kelvar. However, since the target's head is exposed, a simple 9mm would be more then enough to complete the job.

Target's self cleansing room. Nothing much noteworthy except for the fact that the mirror allows him to overlook his entire room easily.

A final entry point into the target's room, and perhaps, the easiest. It is accessable from the back of the house. Getting there would be easy, and it's difficult to be spotted due to a lack of lights in the area. The window is merely latched, with a laser detector on the window. A glass cutter should be more then enough to open the window. While the access point is small, a small action personale can crawl in quite easily.
All the best, commander. We cannot afford to screw this up.
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